EYFS (Reception & Nursery)

Welcome to the EYFS Page 2023-2024!

At High Lane, we offer a stimulating and caring classroom environment in our Early Years Unit. Our Nursery and Reception children share two classrooms in the main school building with easy access to their new outdoor provision.

Our EYFS lead teacher is Miss Johnstone and our EYFS leader is Miss Roper. Miss Johnstone is supported in the provision by Mrs Callaghan, Mrs Yasmin, Miss Jones and Mrs Cox.

We love to share photos and videos of your children learning with you, using Class Dojo, our school online platform. If you have not signed up to this, please speak to your child's teacher or visit the school office. The documents below will also give you an overview of learning in the EYFS at High Lane.


Please be aware of our school's 'Online Safety' page for quick 'What parents need to know about...' guides to support your child in staying safe whilst learning at home.






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