Home Learning

The more supported a child feels at home, the more effectively he or she will learn at school. Getting involved in your child’s learning, even in a simple way, will help your child develop a positive attitude towards learning.

As a parent, how can I help with my child’s learning?

Developing a love of reading is key to success in primary school and sharing books and stories with your child is an enjoyable experience for both of you. It is important to have books available at home, remember there is no charge to join the local library.
In addition to this, all the fun activities that you do with your child at home are important in supporting their learning and development, and have a really long lasting effect on your child’s learning as they progress through school. Activities such as playing board games, baking, nature walks and visiting museums can have a very significant impact on their learning.

Learning Together

We know that the excellent partnership we enjoy with parents makes a real difference to the progress children make. That's why we aim to support parents in helping children with learning at home as well as at school. Each week, children will bring home their 'Home Learning' homework. This work will be planned to your child's stage of development and may include: phonics work; 'tricky' words to learn to read or spell; reading activities; spellings; handwriting; mathematics; research etc. Your child will also be doing lots of reading in school and should be encouraged to read for pleasure at home too. It makes a real difference to pupils if someone at home can hear them read every day. You will find documents below to support you in understanding the methods and approaches we use in school or you can ask your child’s teacher to help.

As they progress through the school, children should be encouraged to take increasing responsibility for completing their home learning to a consistently high standard and for bringing it back to school on time.

 Please do not hesitate to ask your child's class teacher if you would like any further information, or click on the links below.

Helping you help your child
Calculation Strategies
Help your child with reading
Copyright - Twinkl
Help your child with spelling
Copyright - Twinkl
Help your child with maths
Copyright - Twinkl

For information about our remote learning offer, please see the Coronavirus Documentation section and the Class Pages section.

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