
What is our intention for Music at High Lane Primary School?
'Where words fail, music speaks.’ Hans Christian Andersen
The Music curriculum at High Lane intends to inspire creativity, self-expression and encourages all children on their musical journeys. We believe that music plays an integral role in helping children to connect with others and feel part of a school and musical community through shared experiences and performance. We seek to ignite a passion and foster a life long love for music by thinking about the ‘soundtrack to life’ children possess already and find ways to build and expand upon this by exposing them to diverse musical experiences. By listening and responding to different musical styles; discovering how to play a variety of instruments and finding their voices as singers, performers and as inventive composers, we hope we will enable children to become confident, reflective musicians who feel musical and act musically.
The Music curriculum at High Lane aims to provide all children with the opportunity to:
- Appreciate music as a means of self-expression.
- Develop skills to play a range of instruments with increasing accuracy, fluency and control.
- Sing and use their voices to create different effects individually and in a group.
- Compose their own music independently and collaboratively, using technology where appropriate.
- Be part of a ‘have a go’ culture which develops a sense of achievement and pleasure in the process of music making where children feel musical.
- Develop social learning behaviours that are essential for music making together.
- Develop and use a range of appropriate musical language to help them understand and discuss their own work and that of others.
- Understand the relationship between sound and symbol and develop a working knowledge of systems of notation for use in composing and performing.
- Listen to, appreciate, celebrate and evaluate music across a range of historical periods, genres, cultures, styles and traditions.
- Be inspired by composers and musicians from their own and other cultures.
- Make judgements and express personal preferences about the quality and style of music.
- Understand and explore how music is created, produced and communicated.
- Be part of a musical community including taking part in performances with an awareness of an audience.
Knowledge, Skills and Progression through Charanga